Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So busy

This is a real busy week...the very beginning of
November! We had a hot pot party on Mon afternoon in
our classroom. Students brought along so many
ingredients that they could hardly cooked them all.
Although I was there suffering ( terrible smell for a
vegetarian you can imagine -_- ), I tried my best to
keep a smiling face and took some pictures of them
with my digital camera. Gotta help with the cleaning
too, quite disgusting but no choice. School asks all
of us to do recycle, so it's necessary to sort them
into different categories. Teens here are usually
pampered; they are happy to eat, chat, and have fun
with peers for sure. They wouldn't like to take
responsibilities if it's studying or cleaning--that's
why we teachers exist. Thanks Goodness...if teen
agers were all intelligent and diligent I would
become jobless. *kidding* hehehe

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