Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Want someone gorgeous

Hotter and hotter these days...gotta turn AC on in the
early morning otherwise I can't even start working. Ahh
I don't complain anymore since I can enjoy cool air in
the office. Going to move to another office--this time I
will stay on the 3rd floor for 1 year. Well...maybe
easier to keep fit, you know. When my office is on the
fifth floor, I just take the lift. *sighs* No wonder
it's harder to keep fit.

As for my work, I am going to hold an English camp for
my school. The most interesting is we are to ask some
American teacher to take over--let students enjoy the
'western look'. I told the clerk who is responsible for
this case, 'please find us a gorgeous guy!' *winks*
Looking forward to meeting our American teacher...

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