Friday, September 02, 2005


Listening to an interesting song:


作詞:王威登 作曲:林邁可 女聲:溫嵐 Landy

第一次當我見到妳 妳說妳緊張的忘了呼吸 記憶裡 我只想玩玩而已
在一起 沒想過這問題 妳說妳從來沒有忘記 我們第一個夜裡 我一邊說我愛妳
一邊喘著氣SORRY 我愛妳 是指妳的身體 我不知道 妳的需要
妳對我的要求我從來沒做到 啊~ 妳怎麼受的了 啊~~但我總是見到妳微笑
痛苦總是往肚子裡吞掉 只希望有一天我能明瞭 妳的好
我假裝對妳不在意 假裝失去我的記憶 為了隱藏以前痛苦回憶 我選擇放棄
放心去愛人的權利因為我不相信自己 不相信妳 不相信一句話叫做真心真意
我選擇絕情絕意 妳把我當作情人 我卻把妳當作敵人
我的人生 就是充滿猜疑忌恨 不要浪費精神在我身上尋找永恆

Landy:能不能就對著我說愛我 能不能就陪著我天長地久
能不能就對著我說愛我 能不能就陪著我一直到最後

Joson:妳一定覺得我壞 誰都不愛 隨妳去猜 我是在 什麼心態
面對妳給我的愛 妳對我好我就對妳越壞
但我心裡一直有聲音跟我告白 它說不能沒有妳的存在
好怪 想愛 卻又說不出來 為何心軟 為何心軟 為何妳從不會對我心煩
已經有了答案 我卻不敢去看 面對妳不再反感 我發現我冰冷的心
感受到妳的溫暖 該怎麼辦 我現在愛妳會不會太晚 妳是我唯一
不想和妳分離 OH~就算外面的女孩子她們叫我BABY-BY
不知道該怎麼說 但我知道怎麼做 我不會一錯再錯 忘了以前痛苦的過程
我們要的只是結果 妳問我會一起多久 我不知道 大概一輩子夠不夠
牽著妳的手往前走 我只聽到妳說

Landy: 能不能就對著我說愛我 能不能就陪著我天長地久
不要對我若即若離 讓我傷心淚流
能不能就對著我說愛我 能不能就陪著我一直到最後

Landy:能不能就對著我說愛我 能不能就陪著我天長地久

Jason:能不能 能不能 能不能夠 對著我說愛我

Landy:相信我 能不能就對著我說愛我 能不能就陪著我一直到最後


Not bad the guy finally found she's the one who's been
around. I am not anyhow in a serious relationship at this
moment in my life. Guess I'm too's becoming
hectic, and will need to lecture more in the near future.
*sighs with a smile* Well yeah I know it's tiring but it
also means more pay. That's why I went to the department of
studies complaining to our grade coordinator about my lousy
schedule for this new semester; later on the assistant
comforted me like 'oh but we let you have more classes...'
I then made the gesture of 'close the mouth' by crossing
both my index fingers in front. My boss, the director of
studies, laughed and said 'how come you're that easy to be
pacified!' I just don't wanna argue over something that
cannot be changed much...whether it's about work, or other
stuff. It's useless to lament for what I can never work
out--no point to waste my time then.
Talking about typhoons, Talim's gone, and a new strong one
Nabi is approaching. Hmm a window fell off and got broken
because of the last one. No idea what damage the new one
will cause here. *prays* Hope everything's fine...and my ex
classmate WS can move to her new place this Sun. I don't
wanna keep ringing her and asking her what's going on. She
would need some space I guess. After I blogged about the
event that she came to me with her bf and she asked me to
lend her money, a friend bothered to reply me with his
point of view and then advised me not to regret for the
money gone. *feels grateful* Indeed I work hard for money,
always wanna save up more and live a comfortable life (
doesn't mean it's necessary to buy lots of brand name
products ) and I convince myself I will be happy and rich
even if I might be single for the rest of my life. That
friend doesn't need to worry about me, since I always think
bright in bad situations. *chuckles* However...thanks for
your care, my friend from this cyber world. :)
I watched Tsabasa Chronicle ep.1 and got :O as I found
the main characters are just the same in an old anime I watched
a few years ago. The OP song's great! :D

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