Sunday, October 23, 2005

Lucky me :D

How come time flies like this! *big smile* The weather in Taipei is turning cold ( finally ) but the leaves remain green as well ( different to those in Vancouver, my best friend ww told me. ) I pretty much enjoy autumn's pleasant to take a walk on the street or in the park nearby. Sometimes I can see the beautiful moon in the sky--lucky since you guys know the air here is quite polluted.

It is a given that friends around are always kind enough to teach me something new and share with me interesting stuff. Some nice guy who knew I was slow in typing chinese characters sent me a new software: Natural Input Way. *grateful* He told me it could improve my speed to type chinese after some more practice--I believe so! The best is I found there's this 'pin yin' input method, which I learned about as I studied in NTNU. I didn't ask my prof for the software that time ( how regretful I am you know; it's all for free! ) Felt so surprised and happy to see the pin yin there! I don't need to stare at the keyboard hard trying to find the zhu yin I want anymore. Thanks so much my friend! ^_^

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