Sunday, January 15, 2006

Got a headache and a sore throat

Hmm I did not have a sore throat for a long time, but
my throat does hurt now. Well...maybe since yesterday
afternoon, I guess, got a little iced sprite, and
then had a hot pot for dinner. Yeah you'd ask how
come I didn't have a sore throat after having hot
pots. Hehe what made this hot pot 'special' was there
were some chinese herbs in the soup--dang gui and
ginseng. Both are way too heaty for me. Lucky I
didn't drink lots of soup ( my friend did have a
lot...) so I am supposed to be fine by tomorrow
morning, hopefully.

As for my work at the end of a school term, the very
troublesome lesson plans we teachers need to do every
semester, @#$%^&*&^%$#@ ( allow me to scold those
officers first ), I gotta OT at home--really not my
style. I used to finish work at school, you know, but
this time I couldn't since they gave us homeroom
teachers too much to finish during week days. That I
know my colleagues have to work at home also doesn't
make me feel better but wanna tell those SOBs at Edu.
Apt. off even more. They just don't think homeroom
teachers at high schools need to spend most of the
time teaching and disciplining students. They want us
to be like professors at univ or editors--heh maybe
we can find a job easily writing books or such after
we quit our jobs as teachers? ( kidding XD )

Ok I complained enough. Now let me talk about
something fun about the past week. I took leave on
Thur and went to Taoyuan with a friend. Had a nice
buffet for lunch there. The table was near the
window, so we could have a good view while eating.
(The vegetarian restaurant was on the 3rd floor. ) It
was interesting to drink some veggie beer, 2 flavors:
one was bitter and the other is sweet. Of course we
liked it sweet! And I went to a famous place near
Danshui this Sat with friends. Too bad didn't watch
the sunset because they were playing games in a store
though. Still a lot of fun.

Ahh...the last week of this school term will be
coming soon. I know I can survive...

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