Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Had a dream

Right before I woke up this early morning...It was
like I watched myself in a movie. That was a strange
place ( maybe not strange for the 'me' in the dream
though ) and I was taken there by a friend of mine.
He left me alone and disappeared ( went to another
strange place maybe...can't remember that clearly now
) Thus, I talked with him on the phone and seemed I
was complaining about such a situation--we were
supposed to have fun together. Guess you know what
the only solution was too--I could do nothing but
leave, agitated.

So I stepped out of the building, walking on the
street...then the road led to the mountains. Feeling
a bit panicky, I kept walking in the mountains.
Gradually a peaceful feeling crept over me...I felt
everything was fine again, able to see other people
walking by and the beautiful scenery. I smiled when I
found some little pieces of paper on the road on
which interesting terms were written. ( Sorry can't
remember what the terms are now, but they seemed fun
in there. ) My hands were in front of my chest, like
a pilgrim walking towards the desired destination. I
was not praying...but finally got to the place I
would like to see--a station. It was nearly the end
of my dream. One thing that was funny enough to be
mentioned here: I saw a bus driven by a female driver
crazily. Usually people think females drive in a
'mild' way.

Dreams are sometimes the reflections on the real
life...so I guess I know how come I had such a dream.
Anyway, I chatted with my best friend WW this early
afternoon during break. She was upset for something
happened yesterday. And we both agreed that we good
women should not be bothered by such trifles and
always have to move on. We gotta have a life...a very
happy one for sure. Let's cheer up.

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