Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Got sick...

Ahh…I am sick today. In fact I felt my throat hurt ( not serious ) last night. I was wondering if I caught a cold. This morning I overslept for almost an hour! :O As soon as I got up, I found I really got a sore throat, but no runny nose—thanks God. *chuckles* why? Because I can still lecture in class with a sore throat. Just the voice may not be so cheerful, low pitched I think. If I had a running nose, I would be busy sneezing, blowing my nose, and consuming a lot of facial tissues.

I also felt extremely tired in the early morning due to my dreams before I woke up. There were two parts…I can’t remember them very clearly now. In one part I was late for a class, in which a teacher was there teaching students making some potion. ( Yes it reminded me of Prof. Snape in Harry Potter. ) My best friend WW was making her potion already on the desk. WW was once my classmate when we studied in NTNU. She showed me the outcome by putting a cloth into the boiling potion, and the cloth immediately changed its color! I thought she did a good job… Then it went to another scene; I walked on the street with another friend of mine—no idea who the person is in my life though. I was lead to a forest at night…I felt something dangerous approaching, and I started to run. I couldn’t see anything, running in complete darkness hastily…lucky I didn’t hit anything. But finally I stopped; I touched some stuff which was rough on earth. Weird I knew I was in a dream, and I hoped to wake up since I wanted to ‘see’—I still couldn’t see anything that time. I fainted I guess. After a while I was up—seemed a couple saved me and put me in their kids’ room. I saw 2 little kids sleeping near me on the bed. The hostess came, and I talked to her. She told me I was doing something terrible, like hurting myself, when she saw me. I kind of…couldn’t believe that I would do so. ( I never got a thought to hurt myself no matter what…or I did? But I was not aware of it…)

That’s why I was so tired in the morning. This thought came to me unavoidably: Am I sick? It seems so. Am I sick both physically and mentally? I don’t know… But I know what to do. And I hope my good friends, no matter from this cyber world or from the real life, can be doing fine. I am to say goodbye to you here now. Please take care.


icemonki said...

Flo what a weird dream.... like REALLY bizarre. I hope u get better soon - just drink lots of lemon honey tea~!
Take care and tell me more about ur dates with stupid guys!

Flo said...

yuppy, I kind of wanna put a stop to it--seeing stupid guys, you know. yeah I am afraid of karma: I am a turn on to them but they are NOT to me. how sad. :P

Ken said...

Just seeing that makes me glad I don't get weird dreams often :P And now another guy is to chase you? wooooo :P

Flo said...

no no...I don't wanna be pinned down! :O and you guys know what, another night I dreamed that I was in a house, where some friends of mine were there too. The house was surrounded by water. Then I saw a huge alligator swimming near! It jumped and opened its scary big mouth to swallow a friend!! lucky...didn't make it. @_@ *sighs* must be too much pressure or what. however, thanks for your care, yuppy and kenny. :)

Ken said...

Flo, I worry about your mental situation... how come got so many weird dreams? because you are still sick? or maybe you hope an alligator will eat Martin or Larry? Ahhh I dunno :P