Friday, July 23, 2004

Summary of the beginning of July

well I had a good time yesterday singing with sis and friends at Cashbox KTV. will leave for another social event soon. :D   Let me post what happened earlier in happy summer vacation, that is. 
July 8, 2004
summer vacation now...I enjoy this relaxing life so much! talked with my good friend by phone this morning. will meet tomorrow evening..woo~ nice!
July 9, 2004
Nice to meet friends from junior high.had tea and chatted happily in a cafe.we all become mature,and so much in life to share with each other.great!
July 10, 2004
visited my sis and talked happily about what's happened around me these days.yeah women are long-winded sometimes.simple pleasure in life's easy2 get.
July 11, 2004
a nice Sunday.tho didn't go out 2 meet friends.oh I shopped at a vegetarian my favourite butter buns,woo~I can put on some weight you know.
July 13, 2004
had dinner at an Italian restaurant,spaghetti,not too bad.chatted happily with a friend..he's so cute,but bloody tired after work.I'm lucky,vacation...
July 14, 2004
no work this week.went out almost every day 2 meet friends or go my car examined yesterday.then had a coffee with but nice. 
July 15, 2004
sigh.had a spat with my friend.he misunderstood me--maybe my English's not good enough or what.hehe..well..nice 2 have shaved ice--30NT cheap & cool!
July 16, 2004
practiced with choir as usual.Ave verum corpus.ah..nice when our voice goes into harmony.weekend's coming,and a performance tonight.woo~must be fun.
July 17, 2004
yeah..had a good time singing this evening.after performance we went have supper in 深坑.sure,famous for tofu dishes.I also had shaved ice,2 sweet tho...
July 18, 2004
Sat,had nice tea & 粿 with bought cherries,expensive but so sweet.I'm 2 have shabu with students tonight.they're in year time flies...*smiles*
July 19, 2004
reuion at 涮涮鍋.sure I got a veggie one.and there we sang nice 2 meet those students,who r more mature for sure.took some photos.heh fun!
July 20, 2004
back 2 school & found 'surprise' in my drawers,ah,rats!nice 2 meet Wade.we had spaghetti for lunch,talked happily.guess he'll go to 附中.hm...maybe it's fated.
July 21, 2004
暑輔starts this students 2 teach.I pretended being 'cold' in the beginning.hehe..let those students in year 9 keep wondering for a while, and got to know about me bit by bit  :P
ok...played with the 'hello' yet can't figure it out -_-"  how to post photos here!!! @@  guess it's my friend's turn to have a laugh :P  ( Flo you're so slow, right? )  LOL~ 


Ken said...

Hmmmm... is it me, or did u forget to add the punctuation marks?... but its good how u can have all the days in one go... I can't remember much of what I did last week :P

Flo said...

who else then? :P