Monday, July 26, 2004

"When we can get married then?" err...

    After a happy weekend, here it comes Monday again. *chuckles* you can imagine I am not blue at all. To the opposite, I was so glad to meet my old students again at school during summer vacation. Summer school for year 8 students starts today. As usual I would introduce them first what I am going to teach and what I expect them to accomplish by the end of this summer time. So, yes...the most passionate boy student of mine, Jimmy, was in class too, with his left arm broken though. Being stunned :O  I went to him and asked him what happened. He said he rode a bike and fell off, rolled forth over it. @@... oh my. Of course I had to console him and you know what...his classmates around said, 'teacher, you know he came to school just for you.' *being speechless for a while* I pressed my right hand upon my chest and said, 'I am so touched....' Then, as I would walk to the front and continue my lecture, Jimmy asked from my back, 'when we can get married then?' Trying not to fall laughing in class ( I hope I can keep the elegant image for always you know ), I replied him, 'err... I will ponder over it seriously. You go on studying hard ok?'  ahh... -_-" 
    Sure I know that they like me is much better than they hate me.  :P  As long as they can concentrate on their studies, I don't really mind if they call me 'honey' or whatever... ( LOL~ ) Now then you know teenagers today are very bold huh, and they are so lucky to have me as their idol...Not.  :P   hahahahaha~

1 comment:

Ken said...

I have only one word for you... 'woo' :P hahaha