Saturday, May 27, 2006

Good to change her mind

Previously my mom wouldn't agree to make us rice
dumplings. "It is very troublesome! If you guys
wanna have rice dumplings, you just go get some at
the stalls!!" OK...we dared not say anything
against my mom, our queen at home, who can twist a
roach's head off by hand. She said it is dirty to
smash a roach with our slipper or some book. Easier
when hygiene is concerned. Sure, sure...We want our
heads of course.

However, I am eating a pretty nice rice dumpling
made by my mom, hmm so tasty! What changed her
mind? I asked her. She said she would like to make
some for her good friend, so she 'shuen bian' made
some for the family. *sobs* It's so kind of her.
And we are lucky for my mom has a very good friend.
That's why I don't need to order any vegetarian
rice dumplings from the stalls; there are quite a
few in our fridge! Yeah! I hope you guys can have
some nice ones too by the Dragon Festival.

1 comment:

Laclos said...

mmm rice dumplings.