Saturday, October 16, 2004

Back to my quiet life...I wish

Yeah it's Sat. Another very busy weekend again. We need to practice for
the performance tomorrow in Xinzhu--a very important occasion. It's the
fiftieth anniversary of one nunnery, where all the nuns have to stay
inside till they get very sick or leave for the heaven. Maybe one day I
can stay there too I think...

However we practiced hard since the choir master said we had to perform
very well: 'You guys think for a while. We will all be dead 50 years
later! We don't have another chance to sing for their next fiftieth
anniversary! Please pay attention and sing beautifully, like you are
praying so deeply...' Okay...I tried my best even when I was having a
stomachache that time. Another memeber told me, 'hey you look pale
today.' I didn't explain to her since I didn't have enough energy.
Later in the evening I couldn't even eat anything for dinner. -_- How
sad...especially for a vegetarian who used to have a good appetite like
me. No idea if it's because of not enough food for today, I feel a bit
down and keep thinking I should go back to my quiet life. Too many
activities...I need some free time for myself. Working hard at school
is enough. After this performance I hope I can quit, at least for a
period of time, and live a relaxing life again.


Ken said...

Awww... if u recharge your batteries once in a while, you'll feel more energetic... go for a holiday :P

Flo said...

*chuckles* I am a quiet person. :P just let me stay home alone for some time will do.

Ken said...

ic... be that way then :P