Monday, October 18, 2004

Rainy but not too bad

Finally it is Monday, and rainy all day long. ( now I can still hear the rain. ) Just like what I said earlier I had a very busy weekend. Well it's not easy to see so many bishops on a Mass--even the cardinal came. Of course I brought my digi cam and took photos even took some vids. :D My friends in the choir can get a CD later and enjoy watching and listening the songs we sang.

The only thing I wouldn't say happy was I had nothing to eat. No lunch, no snack, and no dinner either. Sometimes I think I am just too dumb to foresee or to make a prompt and correct decision. I should have known I would starve and found some friends there in time to ask them to give me a ride. Then I wouldn't be stuck in traffic jam in the late evening and had fun listening to my tummy's singing. -_- However I hope I can alawys learn something after I know I made mistakes in my life. Being a vegetarian, you know, NEVER expect others to take care of my need. :P


Ken said...

Awww... u need to bring two bien dun then next time :P If there is a next time, that is...

Flo said...

yeah...sometimes I just trust others too much you know. -_-