Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Getting colder

台北的天氣一向如此,只要過了中秋節就開始涼起來,我今天連夾克都穿上了,不知道在哪一篇文章看過一句話:秋風一起,就是海枯石爛的心情...可惜喔,我沒有託付這種心情的對象. :P

So...the best is enjoy myself no matter what. I watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of the Azkaban and the principal's line impressed me most: 'Happiness can be found even in the darkest times.' I do think so. Bad weather is no fun, but nice music can always cheer me up again. I got Nelly's latest album and listened to it even when I was taking a shower--I put the CD player on the toilet bowl and covered it with a towel. LOL~ I found it a good way to pass my time in the bathroom. One girl student lent me a CD-RW in which she ( or her dad? not so sure ) burned around 15 songs. Last time the stuff she lent me was a handy HD ( how to say that in English? maybe I have to ask my friend to make sure. ) it's small, and the capacity seems to be 256 MB. I got a 32 MB one--it's a free gift from ebay. :D Oh I returned the CD to Wang and he asked me what my opinion was. I said I did try hard and...not once, but listened to it twice. 'Very painful...' I told him. LOL~ Poor me...next time he wouldn't lend me anything new since I was too honest. :P


Ken said...

Um... whats a Handy HD? Maybe a portable USB drive? Or a mp3 player... Anyways... covering a radio with a towel doesn't really prevent it getting wet... maybe a plastic wrap will be better :P And... music is good... :P

Flo said...

it's called 隨身碟 in chinese. @_@