Friday, March 17, 2006

Didn't eat well

My best friend WW's hubby arrived in Taipei today, so I
wanna shout them dinner at a nice veggie restaurant. WW
and me had meals there quite a few times and both of us
enjoyed their dishes--beautiful and delicious. But
something 'tragic' happened this time--WW's hubby is
allergic to food which contains peanuts. He's so sesitive
that he had serious allergy after he got a small piece of
white stuff ( I thought that was tofu, but WW said it's
made of peanuts. ) Ended up he gotta hurried to buy some
medicine and couldn't enjoy most of the dishes in there.
Too bad...most Taiwanese do not have such a problem.
Sometimes we hear people would be terribly sick because
they got some broad beans. Most Taiwanese love
peanuts...good smell, rich in protein and fat, you know.
I felt very sorry for WW's hubby and I told them I would
treat them Japanese meal ( his favorite ) next Monday
evening to compensate for his loss tonight. After he's
getting better we chatted happily ( I didn't speak a lot
of English since he's quite talktive! ) And took some
pictures together. I hope the couple can have a wonderful
time in Taipei these days.

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