Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Relay Race

We had the relay yesterday afternoon. There are around 90
classes in our school--you can imagine how noisy it was on the
court. Year 9 went first, then year 8 and year 7. My class is
in year 8, but I also teach some students in year 9. They
asked me earlier if I could go 'jia you' for them. That's why
I was standing there watching and trying my best to
encouraging them. It's very exciting to see students
running...and lucky, I was such competitions for
us teachers. Otherwise I might broke my bone when I couldn't
get the baton from another teacher and fell off there. LOL~
thanks goodness I am content with being an observer. My
students really did their best...but they couldn't win the top
3 places. Well good enough I told them: no one got hurt during
the race. Everyone got an iced soya drink after the relay--
hope they can feel better soon.
I saw an interesting stuff in my office today, a dinosaur toy.
A Chinese teacher told me one of her boy students brought it
to school and she didn't think it's a good idea for middle
school students to play with such a toy in the classroom. So
yeah, the green creature was standing on a shelf in this
homeroom teachers' office, watching us grading homework or
tests and listening to our jokes from time to time. I took a
picture with it...wondering if hs students in western
countries would do so as well. Erm maybe they are more mature?
They might bring guns. *grins*


Ken said...

Wheres the pic :P

Flo said...

tried Hello, but something's wrong. maybe tomorrow. :)

icemonki said...

hehe guns in USA maybe not in Australia... we dont really celebrate halloween either. actually in america they have a pimp and whore halloween costume for kids - but lets not go there. Sorry I been away from blogging Seems u been up to lots of fun stuff! Except for Ken who all i cud read was 'OT OT and bloody tired'

icemonki said...
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