Saturday, December 11, 2004

Poll day

Voted for law makers. hehehe My family support the pan-blue party, and very happy to all the three we voted for have been on. Taiwan's situation isn't easy...and we think the party we stand for can do better to deal with international affairs. :D Anyway we had a good time today. And I also watched a movie "Shark Tale". How come the main character--that fish, not the shark, reminded me of a movie star I like so much, Will Smith. LOL~ the way it sang and danced. :P I think the main idea is no matter who you are, a somebody or a nobody, you shouldn't lie to yourself or others. Otherwise life will be big disasters because of your karma. ( I am not lecturing tho. :P ) Songs in this movie are nice. :D

1 comment:

Ken said...

Errr... you didn't know that the voice actor of the main fish IS Will Smith? :P