Monday, August 09, 2004

A birthday cake and a movie ( not for me tho )

Yesterday was Father’s Day. My sis, her husband, and her son came back home to have dinner with us. We’d celebrate her son’s 11th birthday by the way. What did the very serious auntie get for her nephew? *chuckles* Yes, you’re right. Books! I got 3 books for him—to be specific, they are all about computer games! Dear nephew told me he loved 2 of them…uh huh, not too bad. After dinner we had this chocolate cake, with cream on the top and egg pudding in between the layers. The only unfortunate thing was I couldn’t eat any of it…not that I wanna keep fit, but I am a strict vegetarian. Well, that’s why they had someone to do the picture taking, cake cutting all the time. :P I don’t mind serving others, you know. If they would like, I can even sing for them I think…( but too bad no one there want me to sing, in case their food cannot stay well in their stomachs? ) Now then you know why I didn’t sing you the happy birthday song myself, my friend…but sent you a pretty chic band to ‘sing’, or rather, play the music for you. It’s so kind of me not to turn your stomach. :D

In class today we watched The Haunted Mansion, not finished yet, will watch the 2nd VCD next class then. I promised kids earlier we would have some fun during summer time. They come to summer school on their own will. We teachers cannot force students to study at school during summer vacation. Of course their parents can. *grins* We don’t have air-con in most of the classrooms here, so both parties, students and teachers do have great courage to stay in here…it’s over 35 C in Taipei you know? I must do something for kids in the English class, and they are so happy to watch something ‘chilling’. The famous actor, Eddie Murphy, acts as a workaholic and happened to visit a haunted house with his family. Certainly he would have to figure out some way to release the ghosts trapped in the mansion and then save his beloved wife and kids. What caught my eye was the old portrait of the master’s lover—pretty much the looks of Eddie Murphy’s wife in this movie. So it bears the very traditional Buddhism idea—people don’t really die, but reincarnate life after life. And karma must be cleared by all means. I think I am getting way too serious again… Anyway, it’s not too bad sitting in the classroom, watching a movie, and listening to kids’ screams. I bet my students love it too, much better than listening to my lecture? Sure!


Ken said...

You're lucky you have vcd club :P Me, I only get to watch it by myself :P Which is ok, except that I only watch movies rarely :P Heh 我有The Bourne Supremacy可以看了:P 妳會去看嗎﹖Got Matt Damon in it, not as good as Will I know :P But I liked The Bourne Identity, its a good action/thriller movie :) So I will see Supremacy :P

icemonki said...

Wah~~ Flo must have heaps of fun as a teacher.. i want to watch that movie too!
can i come to school to be in ur class?
35deg in Taiwan... so jealous here in melb me freezing my ass off. so what happened to that guy who took u out to spiderman? i am curious!

Flo said...

Kenny,I am not sure if I'll go see that movie The Bourne Supremacy. Maybe I just get the VCDs. hehehe~ and icemonki, of course you are welcome here :D no air-con in classrooms...just like having sauna at school for free. that's why I can easily keep fit. :P you read my blog and you know I am trying to figure some way out--how to prevent guys from falling in love too fast. I must make it before I go to the Spiderman movie! you guys wish me good luck then. :D

Ken said...

hahahaha :P